2021 State Budget Act Funds Mandates
The California 2021 State Budget Act (Assembly Bill 128) was approved and signed into law by Governor Newsom late, last month (June 28). Included in the budget was $47.7 million in SB 90/State-Mandated Cost funding. Some of the highlights include:
-$9.8 million for “Domestic Violence Arrest Policies and Standards” (Program 167)
-$2.3 million for “Domestic Violence Arrests and Victim Assistance” (Program 274)
-$2.0 million for “Administrative License Suspension - Per Se” (Program 246)
-$1.3 million for “U Visa 918 Form, Victims of Crime: Nonimmigrant Status” (Program 372)
-$5.3 million for the new program, “Peace Officer Training: Mental Health/Crisis Intervention” (Program 373) for Initial Filings of FY 2016-17, FY 2017-18 and 2018-19 in April 2020 and also the ongoing filing for FY 2019-2020 in February 2021.