SCO to Accept Claims Electronically for FY 2022-23
The State Controller’s Office (SCO) is implementing an online file transfer protocol called the Data Exchange Portal (DEP) for the submission of state-mandated reimbursement (i.e. SB 90) claims. According to the SCO, the DEP will allow for the orderly intake, organization, and tracking of the thousands of claims SCO receives every year. The benefits of submitting claims via DEP, in lieu of physical mail, include reduction in paper and printing costs in addition to immediate confirmation of successful claim submissions to SCO. The first Annual Deadline for this new submission will be the FY 2022-23 Claims due in February 2024.
Based on my correspondence with the SCO’s staff, Nichols Consulting will be setting-up accounts for all of our company’s clients as we will continue to directly submit all eligible claims for each city, county and special district that our firm works with from this point forward.
As always, please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you.